Rates 2024-2025
May 20, 2024
The Rector of Rochester School Resolves:
Adopt the educational rates for the 2024-2025 school year approved by the Board of Directors, as recorded in the Minutes of April 17, 2024 and in the Minutes of May 15, 2024, after having studied the draft rates proposed by the Directorate of Rochester School, shared it with the community through a page on its website and discussed it at length.
Enrollment Fees and Monthly Pension Fees
In accordance with Resolution No. 017821 of September 30, 2023 of the Ministry of National Education, the approved annual pension of Rochester School is increased by 12.73% for being in a regulated freedom regime, having quality accreditation and having registered a high level of student retention rate. Table 1 below presents the approved annual pensions and special discounts granted by the Rochester School Administration for the benefit of families.

Tabla 1. Tarifa de Pensión Anual aprobada para 2024-2025 con base en la Pensión Anual aprobada de 2023-2024, teniendo en cuenta algunos descuentos de la Dirección del Colegio.
Las tarifas de 7º a 11º no tendrán descuento especial porque dichos estudiantes llevan 9 años con descuentos especiales en la tarifa de Pensión Anual. Adicionalmente, de 8º a 11º la tarifa es mucho menor a la de cursos inferiores.
Como apoyo al flujo de caja de las familias, ofrecemos los siguientes beneficios:
Continuar difiriendo las cuotas de pensión a 11 meses entre agosto de 2024 y junio de 2025.
Otorgar becas sobre el Derecho de Matrícula y las cuotas mensuales de Pensión así: Segundo hijo con el 10%, tercer hijo con el 15% y cuarto hijo con el 20%, y a hijos de exalumnos con el 20% a cualquiera de sus hijos. Así mismo, continuamos con los porcentajes de 70% de beca para hijos de docentes del colegio y 50% de beca para hijos de trabajadores en servicios asociados.
Otorgaremos también becas por calamidad económica hasta $150 millones y recibiremos solicitudes hasta mayo 31 de 2024 por medio de correo electrónico a María Evely Muñoz, Coordinadora de Facturación (mevely@rochester.edu.co). El Colegio Rochester otorgó más de $2.700 millones en becas para el Derecho de Matrícula, cuotas mensuales de Pensión y otros servicios mensuales durante el 2023-2024 y en total ha otorgado más de $17.000 millones en los últimos 10 años. Estas becas requieren que las familias estén comprometidas con el proyecto educativo institucional, que los padres realmente necesiten financieramente la ayuda y que el estudiante se esté desempeñando competentemente.
Ofrecer 6% de descuento financiero por pago anticipado del año escolar 2024-2025 junto con la matrícula. Ofrecemos también el 3,0% de descuento por pago anticipado junto con la matrícula, para el pago de las mensualidades de agosto a diciembre de 2024 y del 3,0% de descuento por pago anticipado a más tardar el 6 de diciembre de las mensualidades de enero a junio de 2025.
Se aclara que en la tarifa de Pensión Anual están incluidos los certificados de estudio, el primer carné estudiantil y el anuario digital para todos, al igual que el seguro de accidentes escolares para Prejardín.
Bibliobanco Rate for Imported Series
El blibliobanco de series importadas incluye todo el material didáctico importado físico y digital que se requiera para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en inglés a través de las asignaturas de las áreas de Inglés, Matemáticas, Ciencias Naturales y Ambientales, Ciencias Sociales y Ética y Valores. También se incluyen las pruebas internacionales para inglés, francés y portugués, al igual que las pruebas nacionales de Pre Saber en 10º y Saber 11 en 11º. No incluye el material y los textos impresos y virtuales que se piden a los padres de familia en la lista de útiles y textos a comprar en Colombia para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en las áreas que se enseñan en castellano. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes de 4º que así lo soliciten, el Colegio cobrará una suma mensual de $190.000 por uso de un iPad institucional con teclado y lápiz digital para el uso de todas las áreas del saber con fines pedagógicos, buscando proteger a los estudiantes en su acceso a Internet y su adecuado desarrollo integral. Este programa se llama Despliegue Uno-A-Uno con el iPad adquirido por el Colegio. En 5º-11º, se continúa con el programa de Trae Tu Propio Dispositivo con iPad o MacBook adquirido por la familia y registrado en el sistema de administración de dispositivos móviles del Colegio para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en esos grados y en múltiples asignaturas. Las tarifas de Bibliobanco de Series Importadas autorizadas se presentan en la Tabla 2 a continuación:

Table 2. Annual and monthly fees for the use of the Imported Series Bibliobanco (printed and digital).
Feeding rates
Rochester School offers a food service for the half nines and lunch of its students, contracted annually through the educational services contract for the 11 months of the school year (August to June). The food service provides cultural and international experiences through monthly gastronomic festivals , balanced menus with a nutritionist, and support to learn to eat with manners and in an orderly and neat manner. It is recommended to avoid the use of lunch boxes brought from home because they are arriving with ultra-processed products, full of refined sugar, preservatives and sodium, which generates disorders in their healthy habits and inconsistency with what we teach in natural sciences and the health axis. comprehensive in Development of Virtues.
Monthly lunch and half nines fees will be charged in 11 months from August to June, along with the monthly boarding fee. The Snack Bar is open to students from 3rd to 11th grade and consumption is paid through the digital platform that the school provides. Taking into account that the minimum wage increased by 12% and the cost of food inputs increased more than expected in 2022-23 and we project an increase of more than 15% in 2023-24, an increase of 12 was approved, 7% in the rates for Lunch and Medias Nines in relation to those for the year 2023-2024, to recover part of the costs of the current school year, as mentioned in Law 115 of 1994. These rates are exclusive for those who take lunch, half nines and/or both monthly during the ENTIRE school year continuously (August to June), since from the 2023-2024 school year the total annual fee was divided from 10 installments to 11 installments, relieving cash flow a little families monthly. It will continue like this for 2024-2025. Additionally, we will offer a special discounted rate for those who take both (half nines and lunch), as well as a 10% scholarship for the second child of the same family, 15% for the third child and 20% for the fourth child . Table 3 shows the approved rates for lunch, half nines and both.

Table 3. Approved monthly lunch rates, half nines and both for each grade exclusive to those who take the entire school year (August to June).
Occasional rates:
Students who do not purchase lunch, half nines and/or both from registration for the entire school year, the occasional month or day will have a higher occasional rate, in accordance with the following, to cover the associated fixed costs (hand of work and others):
Occasional monthly Prekindergarten to Transition: Lunch $756,000, Medias Nines $210,000, Both $918,000.
1st to 5th occasional monthly: Lunch $846,000, Medias Nines $210,000, Both $1,000,000
6th-11th occasional monthly: Lunch $875,000, Medias Nines $246,000, Both $1,065,000.
Daily for any grade: Lunch $45,000, Medias Nines $12,000
Rochester School offers the school transportation service through a strategic ally and expert in this type of transportation with reliable, safe and efficient routes for our students. Likewise, it offers us an application for real-time route monitoring and communication between the monitors and parents. We invite you to take the school transportation service that the school offers through its strategic ally, since the school is solely responsible for the safety of the students who take the school transportation service offered by them.
This school year we have considerably increased family satisfaction by refining routes and improving the management of requests. The strategic ally is fulfilling the value offer in terms of time spent on the route and punctuality when arriving at the campus.
For the following school year, we will offer a 10% scholarship for the second child in the same family, 15% for the third child, and 20% for the fourth child. We will also continue with the sectorization of zones into near, intermediate and distant transportation, depending on the distance in kilometers between the campus and the student's residence, according to the following:
Nearby Transportation covers up to 18 kilometers from the campus.
Intermediate Transportation covers a distance from the campus greater than 18 km and less than or equal to 22 km.
Remote Transportation covers a distance from campus greater than 22 kilometers.
Due to the impact on the costs of vehicle spare parts, the increase in the minimum wage for instructors and drivers and the increase in fuel, an 11% increase in school transportation rates is approved, which is observed in Table 4. These rates They have also been deferred to 11 months from August to June for greater comfort in the families' cash flow and are exclusive for those who take the service throughout the school year continuously (August to June), since they will be higher for those who Take the service occasionally.

Tabla 4. Tarifas mensuales propuestas de servicio de transporte escolar para cada modalidad.
Tarifas ocasionales:
Los estudiantes que no contraten el transporte desde la matrícula para todo el año escolar, el mes o día ocasional tendrá una tarifa ocasional más alta, de acuerdo con lo siguiente, para cubrir los costos fijos asociados (mano de obra y otros):
Lejano ocasional mensual: Completo (ida y vuelta) $990.000 y Medio $615.000.
Intermedio ocasional mensual: Completo (ida y vuelta) $870.000 y Medio $530.000.
Cercano ocasional mensual: Completo (ida y vuelta) $775.000 y Medio $490.000.
Diario para cada recorrido (ida o vuelta): $30.000
Other charges that are paid one-time or when requesting the service are approved in Table 5 below.

Table 5. Rates of other charges that are paid when requesting the service.
We will continue with the other concepts of other charges below, made when the parents choose them:
First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation of Faith
Insurance (accident and educational life).
Extra-class academic tutoring.
Workshops on occupational, physical and language development, optometry (orthoptics) and audiometry.
Extra-class community activities (training, high performance, recreational).
Given in ChÃa, Cundinamarca, on May 20, 2024
Alethia Bogoya