Felicidad y
Certified by the William Glasser International Institute as a school based on the Theory of Choice, focused on warm, trusting, caring and collaborative relationships, focused on the development of competent skills useful for their lives and the world.

We are one of the Best Schools in the North of Bogotá.
Apoyo constante en un ambiente cálido en el aula y en todo el entorno de Colegio.
Nuestros profesores proporcionan estrategias educativas para que los alumnos den lo mejor de sí mismos, logrando el máximo esperado y más allá.
Los estudiantes aprenden a realizar un trabajo útil y significativo Colegio aplicado a la vida real.
Promovemos y facilitamos la autoevaluación y la mejora continua.
El trabajo de calidad siempre es satisfactorio. Esa sensación es el incentivo para hacer de la calidad un objetivo permanente en todo lo que hacemos.
Educamos a los ciudadanos que son conscientes de su entorno y de los demás
Strategic Objectives
El plan estratégico se basa en tres pilares principales, y para cada pilar hay un objetivo.

Pilar 1
Healthy and Sustainable Environment:
Rochester College is established as a LEED Platinum sustainable campus where relationships inspire teamwork, dependability, safety, inclusion, happiness, connection, and achievable challenges.

Pillar 2
Useful and Quality Work and Learning for Life and the World:
Rochester is an accredited international school, focused on applying and improving knowledge in real-life situations with a global, intercultural and multilingual perspective, through schoolwork, and experiences that are perceived as useful, engaging and of high quality by part of students, parents, teachers and staff.

Pillar 3
Internal Responsibility Towards Happiness and Success:
Teachers, staff, students, and parents are mentally healthy and happy, use Choice Theory to add quality to their daily lives, and evaluate themselves professionally, using methods that include the basic needs and wants of others and community.