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At Rochester School, we believe in holistic learning. Our Community Activities are designed to enrich your children's educational experience, promoting social skills, creativity and personal development. Discover everything we have to offer!


Pre Mini Lions

Description: It is an activity that is aimed at children who are in kindergarten and transition. Through this activity, children explore all the necessary motor skills and abilities, not only for practicing sports, but also to foster social relationships (kindness and service), teamwork and the “rules of the game.” The activities practiced are: skating, swimming, gymnastics and elementary skills.

Schedule:Tuesday P.M. (3:35-4:50) or Monday A.M. (6:45-8:10)
Investment:  $162,000 monthly
$648,000 semester (If you pay the semester in advance you receive a 3% discount)


Pre Chiqui Dance

Description: Through this dance group, we promote the love of dance and the importance of facial and body expression, from non-verbal language, bringing students closer to the world around them from the knowledge of their own body. We invite you to discover your movement skills, based on the 4 elements of dance: body, space, time and energy flow, channeling your creative potential.


Schedule: Thursday P.M. (3:35-4:50) or Thursday A.M. (6:45-8:10)
Investment: $162,000 monthly
$648,000 semester (If you pay the semester in advance you receive a 3% discount)


Stories, Songs and other Charms

Description: It is a project to promote reading, which aims to accompany boys and girls in preschool and first basic cycle, in a process of encounter with reading, writing and orality, based on a playful, educational, versatile methodology. , whose central principle is that "Enjoyable reading easily brings children closer to the world of books and contributes to their training as readers."

Schedule:Tuesday P.M (3:35-4:50)
Investment: $162,000 monthly
$648,000 semester (If you pay the semester in advance you receive a 3% discount)


Taek Won Do

Description: Taekwondo is a traditional Korean martial art, which has existed for more than 2000 years. Currently its main purpose is in the development of the practitioner by applying pedagogy and discipline for a comprehensive development of mind, body and spirit. The training is based on working on figures that improve attention, memory and physical condition. 

Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday A.M. (6:45-8:10)
Investment:$297,000 monthly
$1,188,000 semester (If you pay the semester in advance you receive a 3% discount)


Musical Workshop

Descripción: Es un grupo musical integrado por niños que muestran gusto por la música de conjunto, a base de instrumentos de placa. Sus objetivos son: fomentar el amor por la música y desarrollar y fortalecer la práctica de la música de conjunto a través de los principios pedagógicos de Orff-Schulwerk. El repertorio estará basado principalmente en música infantil y músicas del mundo, con énfasis en nuestra música colombiana.

Horario: Martes P.M. (3:35-4:50) o Miércoles A.M. (6:45-8:10)
Inversión: $162.000 mensual
$648.000 semestral (Si pagas el semestre por adelantado recibes un descuento del 3%)


Magic Workshop

Description: We encourage artistic expression, creativity and the development of fine motor skills in children, through fun and enriching art activities where they can explore their emotions through their senses and color.  We help children express their emotions in a healthy way. Introduces children to a variety of artistic mediums and techniques. Develops fine motor skills and coordination. Encourages confidence, decision making and self-expression.

Schedule: Friday A.M (6:45 to 8:10)
Investment: $180,000 monthly
$720,000 semester (If you pay the semester in advance you receive a 3% discount)


Gimnasia Artística Pre Nivel

Descripción: Dentro de la gimnasia competitiva se trabajan aparatos (viga, barra, salto y suelo) en cada aparato se debe aprender una serie de ejercicios o rutina ya establecida por los esquemas americanos (USAG). Los esquemas de piso son con música por lo que los estudiantes aprenden a seguir su rutina con música y conseguir un gran estilo artístico y glamoroso para poder ejecutar bien esa rutina. En los aparatos, los estudiantes ejecutan esquemas y logran tener un gran equilibrio, mejoran su concentración y desarrollan confianza en sí mismos. En el entrenamiento de este deporte, los gimnastas trabajarán en su resiliencia, disciplina, salud integral y virtudes.

Horario: Martes y jueves P.M. (3:35-4:50)
Inversión: $297.000 mensual
$648.000 semestral (Si pagas el semestre por adelantado recibes un descuento del 3%)


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