“…there is absolutely nothing better to do with your time than to read a good book to a child…â€
William Glasser
Reading is a fundamental skill to be developed and at Rochester, we foster reading in such a way that our students enjoy it. It is not an easy task but our Faculty team is committed to make the most of printed work, so as to become narratives and these narratives become part of our quality worlds. On this opportunity, we recognize the work carried out by Olga Margarita, our Learning Resources Center Coordinator, in her Library class. With her talent, passion for literature, and creativity, she inspires young children to have fun and discover the beauty of reading. We invite you to watch this video about the book “En Casa†from Heinz Janisch. Let the magic begin!
Hera are some words of our LRC Coordinator.
The voices of parents are very important, their rhythm, the loving arms, the time that is dedicated to the activity. Thus, a propitious environment is built, a space for words to take their place,in each home.
Books are life conversations that allow us to speak in a different and calm way.
It is very important to provide a suitable environment for reading that is not only physical, but also emotional, where books occupy an important and handy place at home, so as to be within everyone’s reach, where you can find books for children and adults, where there is no interference from other distractors, thus, helping us realize that reading does provide meaning at home.
Why read as a family?
For fun, and, incidentally, we strengthen emotional ties between parents and children. To find new ways to relate to our children. So that the children become intellectually rich and curious. To stimulate your imagination by developing problem solving skills. To increase vocabulary, improve memory and oral expression. To stimulate the brain, developing enormous creative potential. To start conversations and reflect upon what has been read. To present your point of view about the subject or the story read. To express the current emotions that we all have as a family. To encourage empathy by putting ourselves in the shoes of the characters”.
Olga Margarita Bohórquez LRC Coordinator
Resumen: la lectura es una habilidad fundamental, y en el Rochester, la fomentamos de tal manera que nuestros estudiantes la disfruten. No es una tarea fácil, pero nuestro equipo de profesores está comprometido con aprovechar al máximo las letras impresas para que se conviertan en narrativas y, éstas, a su vez, se vuelvan parte de nuestros mundos de calidad. En esta oportunidad, reconocemos el trabajo realizado por Olga Margarita, Coordinadora del Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje, en su clase de Biblioteca. Con su talento, pasión por la literatura y creatividad, inspira a los niños pequeños a divertirse y descubrir la belleza de la lectura. Te invitamos a ver este video sobre el libro “En Casa” de Heinz Janisch. ¡Que comience la magia!
Compartimos unas palabras de nuestra directora del CRA.
Las voces de los padres son muy importantes, su ritmo, los brazos amorosos y el tiempo que se le dedique a la actividad. AsÃ